I like the rounded and nicely-spaced design of 3DAndy’s Pentominos on Thingiverse, but wanted to print some tetrominos instead, for math/puzzles (for example, polyomino packing problems) and for future Tetris-related art projects. Since 3DAndy was nice enough to post his OpenSCAD code, it was easy to modify his pentomino-T into a tetromino-T.
STL file: http://www.geekhaus.com/makerhome/day112_tetrisT.stl
Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:212995
Settings: MakerWare .3mm/low, with 8 T’s printing in 45 minutes and weighing only 16 grams. Tetris pieces is a great “stash-busting project” for those of you with lots of little scraps of filament that are too small for any normal print job.
Technical notes: Download the OpenSCAD code here or cut and paste from the below.
// mathgrrl tetrominos - example with Tetris "T" // based directly on 3DAndy's pentominos //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARAMETERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //resolution $fn=32; //dimensions length = 10; radius = 1; space = 0.2; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RENDERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //render an instance of the Tetris "T" tetromino_T(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MODULES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //define the blocks and connectors that make the Tetris "T" module tetromino_T() { union() { // the blocks translate([0,0,0]) myCube(); translate([length,0,0]) myCube(); translate([2*length,0,0]) myCube(); translate([length,length,0]) myCube(); // the connectors translate([(0.5)*length,0,0]) myConnect(); translate([(1.5)*length,0,0]) myConnect(); translate([length,(0.5)*length,0]) myConnect(); } } //module for making the blocks //eight spheres translated to the corners of the desired cube //then convex hull of those spheres makes a rounded cube module myCube() { dist = length/2-radius-space; hull() { translate([dist,dist,dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([-dist,dist,dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([dist,-dist,dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([-dist,-dist,dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([dist,dist,-dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([-dist,dist,-dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([dist,-dist,-dist]) sphere(r=radius); translate([-dist,-dist,-dist]) sphere(r=radius); } } //smaller cubes used to connect adjacent blocks //space between blocks is small enough that no support is needed to bridge the gap //even though these hang in the air between the blocks they connect module myConnect() { translate([space+radius-length/2,space+radius-length/2,space+radius-length/2]) cube([length-2*space-2*radius,length-2*space-2*radius,length-2*space-2*radius]); }
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