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Day 8 – LEGO marble run (chapter 2)

Day 8 – LEGO marble run (chapter 2) 640 480 mathgrrl

Following up from Day 4 we have some new-and-improved LEGO marble run pieces: STL file: Tinkercad link: Thingiverse link: Settings: MakerWare “low” with no raft and custom supports as…

Day 7 – Holey coin-op bottle opener

Day 7 – Holey coin-op bottle opener 1600 1200 mathgrrl

Today something very simple:  a minor remix of hoeken’s lovely minimalist Coin-op Bottle Opener on Thingiverse, with holes added for style and so you can see the penny better. STL file:…

Day 6 – Hinged butterfly

Day 6 – Hinged butterfly 640 480 mathgrrl

Inspired by the hinge in someandy’s Embossing Stamp, today we make a hinged butterfly. The image came from a screenshot of butterfly on and was converted to .svg format by and…

Day 5 – Fractal LED

Day 5 – Fractal LED 640 480 mathgrrl

Most of today’s design time was spent tweaking the LEGO marble run piece from yesterday, but that’s not done yet so here we will do an easy mashup of two…

Day 4 – LEGO marble run (chapter 1)

Day 4 – LEGO marble run (chapter 1) 640 480 mathgrrl

Today our 8-year-old jumped into the print-a-day game with a sample piece for a marble run to be built on top of LEGO pieces. Using Tinkercad he combined a short piece of…

Day 3 – Pickaxe hangers

Day 3 – Pickaxe hangers 640 434 mathgrrl

Today we printed hangers for our Minecraft foam pickaxe and sword. Each of these nails into the wall in two places and has a small post that sticks out. By…

Day 2 – Voronoi box

Day 2 – Voronoi box 640 480 mathgrrl

One of the new Community Shape Scripts on Tinkercad is a very nice Voronoi diagram maker by Brandon Cole (including the code!). As a sort of random test of what…

Day 1 – Coin traps

Day 1 – Coin traps 640 480 mathgrrl

For the first day, a simple coin trap for nickels or quarters which we designed in Tinkercad. STL file: Tinkercad link: Thingiverse link: Settings: We printed these on the MakerWare…

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