Day 122 – Menger Coaster Set, Part 2

Day 122 – Menger Coaster Set, Part 2

Day 122 – Menger Coaster Set, Part 2 640 480 mathgrrl

Continuing from yesterday, here are the other four interesting slices of a Level 3 Menger Sponge:

STL files: (and 6 and 7 and 8)
Tinkercad link:
Thingiverse link:

Settings: Like yesterday, we used Makerware .3mm/low,for a print time of about 30 minutes per coaster, with color swap just after 20 minutes or so.

Technical notes: See yesterday’s post for hints about when to make the filament color swap. As you can see from the picture, the Replicator 2 is giving me some “stringy” behavior on the long traverses of black. I wonder if I could fix this with a temperature change or some other change? If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

UPDATE:  On Day 127 we figured out how to fix the “stringy” problem – change to .2mm/standard layer height. I imagine that change would also work for this model.



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