Day 249: Friday Fail – From OpenSCAD crashes to Beefy win!

Day 249: Friday Fail – From OpenSCAD crashes to Beefy win!

Day 249: Friday Fail – From OpenSCAD crashes to Beefy win! 640 480 mathgrrl

Sometimes things just don’t work and I don’t know why. For example, the new version of OpenSCAD is great but I couldn’t get it to run on my old Mac laptop; it would immediately quit upon opening. After a few weeks of frustration and unsuccessful Googling I finally stumbled across this handy OpenSCAD Forum post from tbuser, who was having the same problem; it turns out it was a problem with OS 10.7.5, and tp3 answered with a downloadable fix. Thank you tbuser and tp3 and the interwebs for fixing this problem! I still don’t know what that was all about, but one of the best things about the internet is that is allows me to find a way to muddle through even when I’m thoroughly underqualified and have no idea what is going on.

In celebration of recovering from this week’s fail we are printing tbuser’s Beefy Trophy model from Thingiverse, which he built by combining an existing statue model with some beefy arms like those in atartanian’s Beefy Arm Starter Kit.

Thingiverse link:

Settings: Printed on a Replicator 2 with .3mm/low settings and a raft, using the built-in supports from tbuser’s model instead of the usual MakerWare supports. This is my first time printing with these cool fractal-post-support-thingys, which I imagine come from MeshMixer in some way that I should learn about:

In fact there are a lot of things that I need to learn about this summer, including:

  • AutoCad’s MeshMixer, which tbuser used to mashup the statue with the beefy arms;
  • MakeHuman, crazy amazing open-source software that atartanian used to make the beefy arms;
  • Everything else: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Blender, Maya, how to cook with a gas stove, how to live in a big city, how to use all the buttons on my synthesizer, and how to find and properly wear a dress when it is necessary, even though I seem to be some strange mashup of lady and beefy arms.


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