There is never enough time. Over the past few weeks I have failed miserably at time, specifically at keeping up with this blog on a daily basis. I’ve been “a few days behind” – sometimes an entire week! – for a long time now; always printing and working every day, but always behind. But it’s not like I haven’t been printing things. For example, here is some of what I printed in the past few days, making giveaways for a conference (more on that tomorrow):
But none of that made a blog post for me. However things in Life are settling down now and as of today I’m caught up – or at least one day short, with it being Saturday while I post this Friday Fail – so I am going to try to keep up with time from here on out. Time, by Grabthar’s hammer, I will catch you!
UPDATE 4/27/14: Surprise, I’m still behind! Just after catching up I started getting sick and I’m just starting to crawl out of that hole now. I swear I’m never going to promise to do something EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR again. On the other hand I always catch up in the end so maybe it is okay. Right?
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