Day 345 – Customizable hinge/snap Cube net

Day 345 – Customizable hinge/snap Cube net

Day 345 – Customizable hinge/snap Cube net 150 150 mathgrrl

This week we’re attempting to combine three of our previous designs into one:

So far we’ve managed to get snaps and hinges into the one right-angled model and get everything to fit. Today’s code can make corners with two hinges and a snap, or two snaps and one hinge! In other words, we can now make nets for cubes: 

Thingiverse link:

Settings: Printed on a MakerBot Replicator 2 at .3mm layer height with standard settings, raft, and no supports. Use the Thingiverse Customizer to set the sizes and clearances however you like.

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