
Day 365!!! Last day of the print-every-day-for-a-year project!

Day 365!!! Last day of the print-every-day-for-a-year project! 150 150 mathgrrl

I think the first thing that needs saying here is that a year is a very long time. There are a lot of days in a year. After about 60…

Day 364 – Customizable Hinged Polyhedra

Day 364 – Customizable Hinged Polyhedra 150 150 mathgrrl

TWO DAYS LEFT. Just today and tomorrow, and we’re done with our print-and-blog-about-one-thing-every-day-for-an-entire-freakin-year project! As our final big project this year, we’ve put together one model for making hinged nets…

Day 363 – Customizable hinge/snap Icosahedron net

Day 363 – Customizable hinge/snap Icosahedron net 150 150 mathgrrl

THREE DAYS LEFT. Our final hinge/snap net is for the remaining Platonic solid, the lovely Icosahedron: Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:440950 Settings: Printed on a MakerBot Replicator 2 with no raft and no…

Day 362 – Customizable hinge/snap Dodecahedron net

Day 362 – Customizable hinge/snap Dodecahedron net 150 150 mathgrrl

FOUR DAYS LEFT. Today we printed our fourth Platonic solid hinge/snap model, of a dodecahedron. This is the same shape we printed back on Day 83 as part of our old…

Day 361 – Friday Fail: 72 Pencils edition

Day 361 – Friday Fail: 72 Pencils edition 150 150 mathgrrl

FIVE DAYS LEFT. Today we printed a redesign of AuntDaisy’s Geo Hart 72 Pencil Holder from Thingiverse. Instead of scaling that model we made two simple new models in Tinkercad. Each…

Day 360 – Shapeways print of the TRI bracelet

Day 360 – Shapeways print of the TRI bracelet 150 150 mathgrrl

SIX DAYS LEFT. The TRI bracelet (Day 320) is back from Shapeways! It’s delicate but very beautiful and came out perfectly. You can bend it easily in your hand and it…

Day 359 – Customizable hinge/snap Octahedron net

Day 359 – Customizable hinge/snap Octahedron net 150 150 mathgrrl

Today we modified the code of the hinge/snap Tetrahedron net from Day 353 to make an Octahedral net. Here are two copies, one unfolded and one folded: Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:440141 Settings: Printed on…

Day 358 – iPhone stand binge

Day 358 – iPhone stand binge 150 150 mathgrrl

I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to printing an iPhone stand. Phone cases and stands are the first thing that most of my students think…

Day 357 – Printer challenge! 26 mm Level 3 Menger sponge

Day 357 – Printer challenge! 26 mm Level 3 Menger sponge 150 150 mathgrrl

Today we had a visit from Rebecca Field, JMU mathematics professor, co-author, long-time friend, and fellow member of the Female mathematicians who have been known to have teal hair list. She is…

Day 356 – Sunday guest: Fred Hohman and knot fibrations, part 2

Day 356 – Sunday guest: Fred Hohman and knot fibrations, part 2 150 150 mathgrrl

Today we continue Fred Hohman‘s guest post from Day 355, in which he will print the knot fibrations he constructed yesterday… Now that I have code that can generate trefoil…

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