One thing about living in New York City is that you get a lot of guests. Lots of people come to the city and hotels are too expensive even to…
Today (August 15) I had the great pleasure and honor of attending the final convocation for the 2014 NYU GSTEM program. At this event, 41 young women who are rising…
Today we modified Day 344‘s Cube net design to make a Tetrahedron net: Here it is mostly folded up. This net is so small that it only folds well in one…
Today we printed designbynumbers’ Center of mass manipulatives for calculus classes from Thingiverse. It worked very well and balanced wonderfully! Thingiverse link: Settings: Printed on a MakerBot Replicator 2 with .2mm…
After richgain‘s excellent guest posts walking us through Burr Tools on Day 348 and Day 349, we couldn’t resist giving it a try. As I think we’ve established, I love Menger sponges…
When three bubbles intersect, they do so in a very specific way. Here’s what it looks like: Using the OpenSCAD code for this design included at the bottom of this…
This is the second in a pair of guest posts by Richard Gain (richgain on Thingiverse), designer and printer of 3D burr puzzles. For richgain’s first post see Day 348.…
Today’s post is contributed by Richard Gain (richgain on Thingiverse), designer of the nicely-constructed puzzles from Day 324 and Day 332 as well as the beautiful and terrible Szilassi polyhedron from Day…
It seems that the MakerBot Desktop software has an upper bound on the number of “self-intersecting faces” that can be in a model. When I had just a couple of…
One really cool thing about a fold-out cube is that you can print things on the faces without using supports and then fold up the cube to get an object…