For the last week I’ve been printing whatever polyhedra appeal to me, and today I realized that everything I’ve printed is a Catalan solid. Today is the fifth, the Triakis Icosahedron – dual of the Truncated Dodecahedron, and the first one so far that has triangular faces. This way leads madness; I’m going to have to print all of them now. Luckily, there are only thirteen Catalan solids. (Of course later I could print all of the Archimedean solids, then the Johnson solids, then Platonic solids and prisms and anti-prisms and arrgggh…)
Thingiverse link:
Settings: MakerWare custom profile described in Day 194, on a Replicator 2.
We've had success printing the gyroelongated pentagonal bicupola from Day 192, by reducing the support density in Cura in a similar fashion to your knot profile. Butfrankly it works better for knots than for the polyhedra, and I'm really amazed that you can print such a complicated shape as this one and still get the support material out. How long did it take?!