Today, eight models we’ve seen before, optimized for printing small and fast. We’ll be printing one of these tiny models for each person that comes to the Fall Meeting of the Maryland/DC/Virginia section of the Mathematical Association of America, which will be hosted here at JMU next week.
- Red Fidget Cube: (see Day 158)
Remade in Customizer with .48 clearance
Replicator 2 setttings: .2mm/standard with raft but no supports - Green Triangle-Square: (see Day 188)
Replicator 2 settings: .2mm/standard with raft but no supports - Gray Hilbert Cube: (see Day 225)
Replicator 2 settings: .3mm/low with raft but no supports
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast w/raft, support 2 layers, <10 deg, 15 lines, only base - Orange Icosahedron: with logo removed (see Day 174)
Replicator 2 settings: .3mm/low with 0% infill
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast with no raft and “big hole” infill - Translucent Blue Rhombic Dodecahedron: (see Day 210)
Replicator 2 settings: .3mm/low with raft but no supports
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast w/raft, support 2 layers, <10 deg - Pink Menger Cube: (see Day 157)
Replicator 2 settings: .3mm/low raft but no supports
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast w/raft, support 2 layers, <10 deg, 15 lines, only base - Red Rocking Knot: (see Day 110)
Replicator 2 settings: Custom profile for .2mm/standard with raft and minimal linear supports
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast w/raft and support 2 layers, <10 deg - Purple JMU cube: (see the JMU 3-SPACE website)
Replicator 2 settings: .3mm/low with raft but no supports
Afinia H-Series settings: .3mm default fast w/raft
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