Day 331 – POP Customizable Function Bracelet

Day 331 – POP Customizable Function Bracelet

Day 331 – POP Customizable Function Bracelet 150 150 mathgrrl

Trading sine and cosine turns yesterday’s POW bracelet into this POP:

Thingiverse link:

Settings: MakerBot Replicator 2 on .3mm/low.

Technical notes, math flavor: Yesterday’s POW bracelet was based on this function:

If we put the “2” weight on the cosine instead of the sine then we get the function for today’s bracelet:

If you look at the POW and the POP bracelets together you can kind of see how each one is sort of “inside-out” from the other. Of course the function we wrapped around the circle to make the POP bracelet needed a modified shift, amplitude, and frequency:

Finally, here it is wrapped around the circle as a parametric function:

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