3D Printing

Day 55 – Customized bowl

Day 55 – Customized bowl 640 480 mathgrrl

Today we print a beautiful low-res bowl made from gelstudios’ wonderful Customizable Bowl Factory on Thingiverse. STL file: http://www.geekhaus.com/makerhome/day55_customizedbowl.stl Tinkercad link: https://tinkercad.com/things/kaRx835Eur5-day-55-customized-bowl Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/make:50941 Settings: MakerWare “low” at 70% of the size…

Day 54 – Monitor tags

Day 54 – Monitor tags 640 480 mathgrrl

These little tags are to put on the top of your computer monitor as reminders.  You can also lightly clip a small paper to your computer with these. I’ll also…

Day 53 – Sine remake

Day 53 – Sine remake 640 480 mathgrrl

One of my calculus students earned a perfect score on this week’s exam!  So I made a present to hand back with her test. I hope she likes the sine…

Day 52 – Tiny frame #2

Day 52 – Tiny frame #2 640 480 mathgrrl

Another tiny frame… this time for holding flatter things or maybe a very, very small picture. STL file: http://www.geekhaus.com/makerhome/day52_tinyframe2.stl Tinkercad link: https://tinkercad.com/things/kPB1hjBn1LJ-day-52-tiny-frame-2 Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:167566 Settings: MakerWare “standard” in about an hour,…

Day 51 – Tiny frame #1

Day 51 – Tiny frame #1 640 480 mathgrrl

A friend of mine likes to glue together picture frame corners to make very tiny frames for very tiny pictures.  I have a couple for my bathroom but wanted to…

Day 50 – Escher trefoil

Day 50 – Escher trefoil 640 480 mathgrrl

Today we printed kenji1206’s Escher’s knot from Thingiverse. Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/make:50427 Settings: Afinia .2mm default normal, in 1 hour and 52 minutes.   —————— As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying…

Day 49 – Dodecaloop

Day 49 – Dodecaloop 640 480 mathgrrl

P wanted something for his office and it is AWESOME. Forty rhombic dodecahedra of awesome. Printed from emmet’s Dodeca Chain Loop on Thingiverse. Thingiverse file: http://www.thingiverse.com/make:50382 Settings: MakerWare “standard” with no…

Day 48 – Do it now!

Day 48 – Do it now! 640 480 mathgrrl

Here is a bar to put over important documents that you need to deal with as soon as possible, so that they don’t vanish into the black hole that is…

Day 47 – Hanging pencil cup

Day 47 – Hanging pencil cup 640 480 mathgrrl

Just a small pencil cup for hanging over the side of a box. Yes, this is another thing for the JMU 3-SPACE classroom, which opens on Monday! After that I…

Day 46 – Salt bowl remake

Day 46 – Salt bowl remake 640 480 mathgrrl

I love the look of Kulitorum’s beautifully simple Salt Bowl on Thingiverse, but I couldn’t get it to slice with MakerWare so I remade it in Tinkercad from a truncated sphere…

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