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Cutting Knitting Machine Punch Cards with the Cricut Joy

Cutting Knitting Machine Punch Cards with the Cricut Joy 2016 1512 mathgrrl

In this post we’ll walk through the process of cutting knitting machine punch cards using the Cricut Joy mini craft cutter. The Joy is somehow *exactly* the right size for cutting directly onto blank machine punch cards! Well, almost… We will walk through the alignment and dimensioning process to make it all work out.

KH-260 Field Notes 2: Ribber Tube

KH-260 Field Notes 2: Ribber Tube 2016 1512 mathgrrl

This is part 2 of our notes as we work through the basics on a Brother KH-260 knitting machine. In part 1 we dusted off the machine and made a quick fair isle Trash Swatch. This time we’ll review how to get the ribber bed adjusted and lubricated, and then create a piece of circular knitting that is open on both ends.

KH-260 Field Notes 1: Trash Swatch

KH-260 Field Notes 1: Trash Swatch 2016 1512 mathgrrl

This is the first of a series of blog posts that will catalog our adventures with a Brother KH-260 knitting machine. We’ve set up the machine and know the basics of using it in various ways, but what now? In this “Field Notes” series we’ll share quick notes about what we learn as we go forward. Nothing fancy, just a day-to-day journal of what works and what doesn’t. Like everything we post here at Hacktastic, we’ll talk a lot about our failures and problems, since that is where learn the most!

Crochet Rainbow Blanket

Crochet Rainbow Blanket 2560 1920 mathgrrl

This very simple blanket pattern is great for using up yarn scraps (or to give you an excuse to purchase more yarn, let’s be honest). The pattern is very forgiving about yarn thickness, and gives you a chance to play with color transitions. The finished piece is comfy and casual. The holes are fun to push your fingers through, and make the blanket airy and cool. Based on the Vintage Vertical Stripe Crocheted Blanket Pattern from Bella Dia, except with two rows of each color and some attention to detail at the edges.

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Published Research

  • Dummy Image

    Sequences of spiral knot determinants

    With students Ryan Stees and Charlie Kim
    Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 19, Issue #1, 2016
    MathSciNet Review / Citations (3)

    Abstract:  Spiral knots are a generalization of the well-known class of torus knots indexed by strand number and base word repetition. By fixing the strand number and varying the repetition index we obtain integer sequences of spiral knot determinants. In this paper we examine such sequences for spiral knots of up to four strands using a new periodic crossing matrix method. Surprisingly, the resulting sequences vary widely in character and, even more surprisingly, nearly every one of them is a known integer sequence in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We also develop a general form for these sequences in terms of recurrence relations that exhibits a pattern which is potentially generalizable to all spiral knots.

  • Dummy Image

    Nest graphs and minimal complete symmetry groups for magic Sudoku variants

    With Beth Arnold, Rebecca Field, John Lorch, and Stephen Lucas
    Rocky Mountain J. Math, Vol. 45, no.3, 2015
    MathSciNet Review / Citations (7)

    Abstract:  We identify modular-magic Sudoku boards that can serve as representatives for equivalence classes defined from the modular-magic physical symmetries. This will allow us to identify a restricted set of relabeling symmetries that, together with the physical symmetries, forms a minimal complete modular-magic Sudoku symmetry group. We conclude with a simple computation that proves the non-obvious fact that the full Sudoku symmetry group is, in fact, already minimal and complete.

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Brainfreeze Puzzles

Geeky puzzles for the lkjs lk jowfeij owief lij ife lia jf eil jlai ejfl iwjelf iwjfli i liw jflwie jflwif lwiefjaw;lijijifj owf
Brainfreeze Puzzles
Crochet Terrazzo Squares

Crochet Terrazzo Squares

Get tips for starting crochet squares inspired by Tinna's Terrazzo Afghan, including making square centers, getting the counting right, and running corner lifelines.
Stitch Fiddle and Silhouette Studio

Stitch Fiddle and Silhouette Studio

Make your own punch cards by designing online in Stitch Fiddle and then creating cuttable SVG files with Silhouette Studio.
Matrix Weaver

Matrix Weaver

Experimental weaving visualizer that explicity relates levers, control, and harnesses to matrix multiplication; work in progress
Rainbow Blanket Pattern

Rainbow Blanket Pattern

Crochet this very simple blanket that looks great and uses up yarn scraps. This pattern includes an instructional video showing how to get the edges just right.
Grayscale Granny Squares

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A greyscale square-packing layout explorer for discovering optimal color value configuations of crocheted granny square blankets
Taalman/Kohn Calculus

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Punch Cards with Cricut Joy

Punch Cards with Cricut Joy

Cut your own knitting machine punch cards using the tiny Cricut Joy craft cutter. This article includes a detailed video that walks through the setup process.
Taalman Calculus I with Integrated Precaluclus

Taalman Calculus I with Integrated Precaluclus

This innovative text is the only book to interweave calculus with precalculus and algebra in a manner suitable for math and science majors
Setting up the KR-260 Ribber

Setting up the KR-260 Ribber

Learn how to adjust and lubricate the Brother KH-260 ribber bed, and quickly create a piece of circular knitting.


HYPERBOLIC - Curvy hyperbolic paraboloids formed by strategically placed straight line segments
Punching your own Cards

Punching your own Cards

Create your own punch cards for machine knitting, using hand-punchers or electronic craft cutters.
Pattern Punch Knit

Pattern Punch Knit

Use mathematical tools like wallpaper patterns and wave collapse algorithms to create patterns for knitting machine punch cards
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